In the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces have lost up to 135 soldiers in the direction of the Donetsk region, the Russian Tass news agency reported.
Russian defence ministry spokesperson Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov said, “In the Donetsk direction, units of the Southern Group of Forces, in close cooperation with aviation and artillery, successfully repelled the attack of the assault groups of the 81st Airmobile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement of Belogorovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic.
“In addition, accumulations of enemy manpower and equipment in areas of settlements were defeated Bogdanovka, Vesele, Klescheevka, Marinka and Krasnogorovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”
“The losses of the enemy amounted to 135 Ukrainian servicemen, two tanks, six infantry fighting vehicles, three vehicles, the US-made M777 artillery system, as well as Msta-B and D-30 howitzers,” he added.