Groundbreaking ceremony welcomes new entertainment venue to Sunland Park


SUNLAND PARK, New Mexico (KVIA) — A groundbreaking ceremony took place Wednesday for a new concert and entertainment venue in Sunland Park.

It will be located at 420 Sunland Park Drive, right next to the Sunland Park Racetrack and Casino.

The venue, called Independent Nation, is described as a “First of its kind concert and entertainment venue unique to the Southwest region.”

Amit Bijlani, Development Director of the project, said the venue is intended to be very community oriented.

“We’re gonna have Pickleball courts, we’re gonna have free-roam virtual reality, and we really thought to ourselves, ‘what do we wish we have that he don’t really have all in one place?”, said Bijlani.

Bijlani said the venue is expected to completed in 14 months.

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