A 3-Day Paris Girls’ Trip Travel Guide, Inspired by TikTok – StyleCaster


Like most Millennial-Gen Z cuspers on the internet, I no longer go to Google first when I need to find information — I go to TikTok. So when the opportunity to take a spontaneous girls’ trip to Paris with one of my best friends presented itself earlier this year, it was only natural for me to tap on that little multicolored music note icon and turn TikTok into my virtual travel agent.

When I say this trip was inspired by TikTok, I don’t just mean I used the app to research hotels, restaurants, and neighborhoods. TikTok is actually the reason we went to Paris in the first place. It happened one night as I was scrolling the app (as one does), saw a relatable video, and sent it to my friend Sarah (also as one does). The video in question showed a group of women hanging out on vacation, with the caption reading in part, “When the trip actually makes it out of the group chat.” Considering Sarah and I had been daydreaming about taking a girls’ trip for months, I thought it was a cute reminder for us to start actually planning a trip of our own — although probably to a much more NYC-accessible destination like the Hamptons or upstate instead of a glamorous international city.

Her response? “What if we just… went to Paris?” A week later, we booked our flights.

With about a month to plan and three days to fill with eating, shopping, and gallivanting around the City of Light, I knew TikTok would provide the content we needed to ensure we’d do Paris right. We’d both been to the city before, so we opted to skip a bunch of the standard attractions — the Louvre, Moulin Rouge, and everything else you’d find on a standard “Top 10 Things To Do In Paris” list. Instead, we scoured foodies’ feeds for the most exciting restaurants, travel influencers’ posts for the most picturesque locales, and Parisians’ “day in my life” vlogs to see what the locals were loving. What resulted was an itinerary with our ideal mix of culture, adventure, and leisure. I couldn’t have dreamt of a better vacation — and I had TikTok all (fine, mostly) to thank.

If you’re considering a girls’ trip to Paris, here’s your complete guide to a TikTok-perfect Paris trip, broken down by where to stay, shop, shoot great pics, and eat. 

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