INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — On Sunday’s episode of “All INdiana Politics,” former Indiana Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers enters the Republican primary for Indiana Governor. Chambers is the fifth major Republican to file, and he has the support of a number of top Indiana Republicans. He joins former IEDC President Eric Doden, Senator Mike Braun, Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch, and former Attorney General Curtis Hill.
Former Vice President and Indiana Governor Mike Pence doubles down on his criticism of former President Donald Trump and the justice system, following the latest indictment of Trump out of Georgia. Pence talks about the indictment during a speech to Republican state lawmakers in Indianapolis and revealed he wants to return some federal government functions to the United States.
Republican presidential candidate Ryan Binkley joins the show for a one-on-one discussion with News 8 Anchor Phil Sanchez about his background, campaign, and goals if he’s elected.
Last but not least, two members of Indiana’s best political team, Republican Tom John and Democrat Lindsey Haake, join the show to discuss Chambers entering the Indiana governor race and Trump’s latest indictment out of Georgia.
“All INdiana Politics” airs at 9:30 a.m. Sundays on WISH-TV.