ALEXANDRIA, VA – Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson says he is not running again for re-election in 2024. In his monthly newsletter, he declares that he will take his place “on the sidelines” adding he hopes “we get good people to step forward to articulate a vision for Alexandria’s future to the great people of our City.”
Wilson was elected Mayor of the City of Alexandria in November of 2018 and re-elected in November 2021. He previously served 8 years on the City Council prior to his election as Mayor, including service from 2016 – 2019 as Alexandria’s Vice Mayor.
Wilson said in his statement, “I love this job. I am in awe what we have been able to accomplish by working together during the 13 years I have been able to serve. I would be thrilled to do this job forever. But doing two full-time jobs and being a good husband and father is not sustainable forever. Nor should anyone be in elected office forever. Good governance requires the constant injection of new ideas and energy.”
Wilson is a Senior Director at Amtrak, an avid runner who has completed eight marathons, and he lives in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria with his wife, Alex, a life-long Alexandrian, and has two children, son Eli and daughter Lena.
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