Did you head out of town to get away from day-after-day of triple-degree heat but now need to catch up on the news? You’ve come to the right spot. Click on the headlines below to check out the most popular stories from the past week.
A USAA employee died by suicide after jumping from a parking garage at the company’s headquarters on the Northwest Side, police said. Click to find out more from the police report.

Snow covers the entrance to the Alamo on Feb. 15, 2021, when the La Niña winter that year was trending warmer than normal. An El Niño winter is forecast this year and typically means colder and wetter weather is in store. Could that mean increased snow chances in San Antonio?
William Luther/Staff photographerEl Niño conditions already are considered moderate, but forecasters believe it will get even stronger. We looked at all of the moderate to strong El Niño events since the year 1950 to see what our chances are for a colder, wetter winter.
Check out what we discovered.

Reese Bros. Barbecue is home to some of the Top 10 barbecue in San Antonio.
Mike Sutter/StaffSan Antonio barbecue is strong enough to support a top 10 list of its own without giving in to the call of the barbecue road trip, says Mike Sutter. Find out what’s changed from last year’s list, who originated the list and which eatery came out on top.

Al Rendón photographed Selena for the cover of her 1992 album “Entre a Mi Mundo.” A retrospective of Rendón’s photos, including an unreleased photo of the Tejano star, is opening at the Witte Museum.
Al RendónSome of San Antonio photographer Al Rendón’s images of Selena are well-known, including the cover shot for the Tejano superstar’s breakout album “Entre a Mi Mundo.” But Rendón found an image when he was going through his archives to prepare for a retrospective of his work that hadn’t been published before.
Click to find out more about Rendón and his show at the Witte Museum — and to see the Selena photo and some of his other work.

The warning from SAWS is for commercial customers and businesses that use irrigation meters.
MARVIN PFEIFFER, STAFF / Marvin Pfeiffer/ Express-News
San Antonio Water System officials are warning commercial customers that won’t comply with Stage 2 water restrictions to curb their usage or risk getting cut off.
Find out more about SAWS’ efforts to get tough on water-wasters and the crackdown on commercial customers.