Gov. Youngkin trying to reach the Hispanic community with new Spanish political ads


VIRGINIA (WDBJ) – Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia Political Action Committee released new digital and radio ads in Spanish, encouraging Hispanic voters to vote Republican.

The digital ad promotes the Governor’s economic agenda while the radio ad highlights Youngkin’s education plans. Both ads encourage Hispanic voters to vote early through Secure Your Vote Virginia.

“Governor Youngkin’s commonsense agenda is delivering for all Virginians – lowering the cost of living by providing tax relief for hardworking families, getting more people into the workforce, stopping California from dictating what cars Virginians can buy, focusing on educational excellence in our schools, and keeping our neighborhoods safe. Working together we can make this the best place to live, work, get an education, and raise a family for everyone who calls Virginia home.” said Dave Rexrode, Chairman of the Spirit of Virginia PAC.

The initiative was started by Juan Pablo Segura, a Republican candidate for Virginia’s 31st Senate District. Segura is fluent in Spanish and has promoting absentee and early voting at Hispanic churches for the past eight weeks.

“There’s so much at stake for the Hispanic community in this election – test scores are down in the public schools, we’re seeing left-wing prosecutors that are soft on violent crime, and the cost of living is through the roof,” said Juan Pablo Segura, Republican candidate for Virginia’s 31st Senate District. “We need to elect public servants who are focused on solutions to these problems – not entrenched bureaucrats who will continue to do nothing. To create change, we must vote, and I’m encouraging Hispanic voters across Virginia to vote early and vote Republican!”

One of the ads reads as follows:

“Glenn Youngkin hizo una promesa sencilla a los trabajadores de Virginia: Traer más empleos excelentes al estado y dejar que su familia se quede con más del dinero que tanto le costó ganar.

Él ha cumplido esa promesa.

Acabó con el impuesto democratico de la energía, ha creado 200,000 trabajos en Virginia, redujo el impuesto de los alimentos y quiere darle un reembolso de impuestos.

El gobernador Youngkin ha cumplido con sus promesas.

Hacer de Virginia el mejor lugar para vivir, trabajar y criar una familia.


Glenn Youngkin made a simple promise to working Virginians: Bring more great jobs to the state and let your family keep more of your hard earned money.

He’s kept that promise.

He ended the democrats tax on energy, created 200,000 new Virginia jobs, cut the tax on food and wants to give you a tax refund.

Governor Youngkin has kept his promises.

Making Virginia the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”

Secure Your Vote Virginia includes information in Spanish for Virginians, click here for more information.

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