Greenville PD investigate Dunham’s Sports theft


Erin Jenkins and Mekaela Muck

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Greenville police are investigating the robbery of a sports store at the Greenville Mall.

Thousands of dollars worth of guns were taken from Dunham’s Sports. A Greenville police report shows that 33 guns were stolen from the store.

Greenville police were called to Dunham’s Sports at the Greenville Mall around 10:30 p.m. on November 10. Officials with the department say that those 33 guns are valued at $16,500.

The reports show 17 handguns, 12 rifles, three shotguns, and a revolver were stolen.

Greenville police say the suspects disabled the internal camera systems inside of the store, making it tough for them to find out who did this. They added that there will be a couple of officers roaming around the mall, but it’s not necessarily related to this incident.

Officials with the mall have not yet made a statement.

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