News Photo by Mike Gonzalez
District Health Department No. 4 board members talk after their board meeting at the Health Department’s Atlanta office on Tuesday.
ATLANTA — The District Health Department No. 4 board voted on Tuesday to approve the building of better facilities for its School Wellness Program in Hillman schools.
The public health nurse has an office in both the elementary and high schools. The elementary school facility, according to board members, only needs equipment, but the high school space will need construction to make it more compliant with HIPAA laws.
This means making the area more confidential, with walls and better soundproofing.
The Health Department received a grant of $25,000 for the project and said a company from the Upper Peninsula will work on it. The construction company said that the project is estimated to cost about $18,000 to $23,000.
The public health nurse for Hillman schools was hired on Oct. 13 and began working on the week of Oct. 16.
Kevin Prevost, environmental health director of the Health Department, also updated the board and announced a candidate has accepted the Montmorency County sanitarian position.
According to Prevost, the new sanitarian is native to Montmorency County and has a lot of experience in environmental health.
The sanitarian is planned to start in the first half of January.
The District Health Department No. 4 board on Tuesday also voted to file and receive a mass vaccination plan, a required component for giving vaccines to the Health Department’s patients.