Letters to Sports: A great tribute to the legendary Jim Murray


A million thanks to Bill Dwyre for the great tribute to the incomparable and unparalleled brilliance of Jim Murray. How wonderful it felt to once again share an amazed chuckle as we did for many years while reading his morning column. “Irreplaceable” doesn’t begin to explain his absence from the sports world, and though the newsprint is now quite yellowed, I still savor his “keepers” among my prized possessions.

Judy Strauss
Corona del Mar


With all the recent negativity surrounding the changes in your sports section, former sports editor “Gentleman” Bill Dwyre saved the day. His special column regarding the 25th anniversary of Murray’s death was not only touching, but it reminded us of the way sports used to be. In this issue, I’m sure no reader was complaining that there were no sports scores or lack of this and that which was not covered the way it used to be.

There have been many that have come after Mr. Murray, but no one has come close to the way he captured readers’ attention and respect for so many years.

Richard Whorton
Studio City


Murray was to sports journalism what Vin Scully was to sports broadcasting. While there have been and will be many who follow in their footsteps, their shoes are simply too large to fill.

Scholarly, erudite, humorous and humble, the depth of their insight was only eclipsed by their knowledge of the human condition.

Bill Waxman
Simi Valley


Wonderful tribute to Murray. My favorite line of his was when the Raiders left for Oakland. “L.A. doesn’t belong in a league that has Jacksonville and Nashville in it.”

Paul Zimmelman
Marina Del Rey


Dwyre’s article on Murray shows how great reporting can be lighthearted while being informative too. I’ve often wondered why The Times can’t find some way to share Murray’s old columns with a new generation.

Skip Dokken


Who said that “race walking is like trying to see who can whisper the loudest?” Murray, of course. Murray and metaphors went together like … well, Forrest Gump would say peas and carrots. Given the assignment, Murray would quickly have a dozen from which to choose, all better than those of us mere mortals. Thanks to Dwyre, a superior sports writer in his own right, for the well-deserved tribute.

Dave Sanderson
La Cañada Flintridge

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