Mass. bill calls for transparency in town meeting campaign finance


A bill recently filed by Massachusetts legislators aims to close a loophole in the commonwealth’s campaign and political finance law that lawmakers have said permits the use of so-called “dark money” to influence warrant articles going before voters at town meetings. 

The proposed legislation comes at a time of increased external political influence in seasonal communities across the state, said the bill’s cosponsor Sen. Julian Cyr, D-Truro. Such activity has notably seen an uptick on the Cape and Islands, he said. 

“There’s a loophole in the state’s campaign finance law, where political and campaign spending to influence voters on a given town meeting warrant (article) is exempt from the state campaign finance law,” Cyr said.

Mass. bill calls for transparency in town meeting campaign finance

State political finance law requires the itemized disclosure of campaign contributions for any group opposing or promoting a ballot question or election. Likewise, individuals running for office must disclose contributions and adhere to contribution limits. 

There is currently no language in the statute that applies the same standards to groups or individuals who aim to influence town meeting warrant articles appearing before voters, which Cyr said is where the term “dark money” comes from.

“Dark money is any political spending, or campaign activity, where there’s no transparency and disclosure as to who is financing the political activity, or what the expenditures are going toward,” Cyr said.

State Sen. Julian Cyr, is co-sponsor of a bill that calls for the disclosure of campaign contributions from any individual or group opposing or promoting a town meeting warrant article.

The bill would not bar individuals or groups from participating in town meeting-related political activity, Cyr said, but would hold those parties to the same standards as other political actors in the state.

A town meeting is a gathering of a town’s eligible voters, as well as a legislative body for towns in Massachusetts that decides on financial appropriations, zoning and other town business. 

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