Muskogee Public Works and Finance Committees — Agendas | News


WHAT: Regular meeting of the Muskogee Public Works and Finance committees.

WHEN: 5:30 p.m. Monday.

WHERE: City Council Chambers, third floor, Muskogee Municipal Building, 229 W. Okmulgee Ave.

ON TV: Broadcast live on Optimum Channel 14.

INFORMATION: Those who would like to address councilors during the meeting must sign in at least 15 minutes before the meeting begins.

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• Finance Committee minutes of August 14, 2023.

• Claims for all City departments August 5, 2023 through September 1, 2023.

• Ordinance No. 4205-A for a Franchise Agreement with Cox Communications to provide web-based video services in the City of Muskogee to its commercial customers.

• City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Tiger Natural Gas as a third-party provider for gas utility services for the City of Muskogee.

• Final Payment to Rosscon, LLC, in the amount of $137,848.14, for Hatbox Site Improvements, Project No. 2022030.

• Submission of a Letter of Intent to the Opioid Abatement Board to be submitted by City Manager, Mike Miller, for the Political Subdivisions Opioid Abatement Grants Act, in order to be eligible to receive funding from the State Opioid Settlement Fund.

• City Council Policy 1-13, Matching Grant Fund, in order to provide formal structure, policy and procedures for use of Matching Grant Funds, within the City of Muskogee budget.

• Applying for, and if awarded, accept the FY2023-2024 Oklahoma Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), in the amount of $25,000.

• Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract between the City of Muskogee and Halff Associates Inc, for the completion of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update.

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• Public Works Committee minutes of August 14, 2023.

• Hold a Public Hearing and take action on the approval of Ordinance 4208-A to rezone property located at 3103 S Cherokee, from “R-1” Single Family Residential to “C-1” Local Commercial, and if approved authorize Staff to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City to reflect said change.

• Hold a Public Hearing and take action on the approval of Ordinance 4200-A to rezone property located a 500 S 32nd St, from “C-1”, Local Commercial to “C-2”, General Commercial, and if approved authorize Staff to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City to reflect said change.

• Resolution No. 2956 declaring personal property presently in possession of the City of Muskogee located at 1440 S. Cherokee Street, formerly known as the Agriculture Building, most recently used as the OSU Extension Office building, as described further herein, as surplus to the needs of the City, and authorize the City Manager or his designee, to offer for sale or dispose of the same.

• Amendment to the agreement with Main Street Muskogee for the administration of the Downtown Development Grant.

• Corrected Resolution No. 2954 which was previously listed as Resolution No. 2945 on the August 28, 2023 City Council agenda due to a scrivener’s error.

• City Council Policy 3-6-8, Wellness Policy.

• Final Payment to Cook Consulting LLC, in the amount of $82,567.81, for the Canterbury Storm Sewer Replacement, Project No. 2022005.

• Final Payment to Daris Contractors LLC, in the amount of $58,884.44, for Raw Water Pump Station, Project No. 2021009.

• Purchase a new rear-load, 10.5 cubic yard sanitation truck, in the amount of $215,910.50, from J and R Equipment via State Contract, Item No. SW0197.

• Request from Muskogee Public Schools to change the westbound one-way street on Denison Street between 9th and 11th Streets, to an eastbound one-way street on Denison Street from 9th and 11th Streets.

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