OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — The Oklahoma County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) appointed Dr. Andrea Benjamin as trustee of the Oklahoma County Home Finance Authority with a vote of 3-0 on Wednesday.
Benjamin is currently an associate professor in the Clara Luper Department of African and American studies at OU, and serves on various boards and commissions including Oklahoma ACLU, Northeast Oklahoma City Renaissance and Sally’s List.

Benjamin will serve the remainder of John Pettis Sr.’s term, following Pettis’s resignation after serving as a trustee for over 20 years. The term is set to end on Dec. 31, 2025.
In a meeting earlier in October, the BOCC recognized Pettis for his service as a trustee.
“I want to thank John for his many years of dedicated service to the citizens of Oklahoma County,” Commissioner Carrie Blumert said. “His passion for increasing access to homeownership in our community was absolutely unmatched. He understood that homeownership creates generational wealth, and more residents should be able to own their home.”

Blumert also says she is looking forward to the addition of Benjamin to the Home Finance Authority.
“Dr. Benjamin’s extensive community service and her experience will be invaluable as the Home Finance Authority looks for more ways to create opportunities for homeownership and affordable housing in Oklahoma County,” Blumert said.