political science honors society chapter receives national award


University’s Pi Iota chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, a national political science honors society, has been awarded a Best Chapter Award for 2022-2023. This is the sixth year that the chapter has received this award, which society Executive Director Tonya Schwarz, Ph.D., called “quite an achievement.”
These awards are intended to recognize local chapters that are particularly active in their institutions and communities and embody the society’s mission to stimulate scholarship and intellectual interest in political science. The Pi Iota chapter joins four other chapter award recipients from institutions similar in size, out of over 850 Pi Sigma Alpha chapters.
“We were impressed with the chapter’s achievements in developing activities supporting student leadership, especially given the significant challenges faculty and students around the world continue to face post-COVID,” said Schwarz.

Robert Alexander, Ph.D., chapter faculty advisor, “should be recognized for his extraordinary leadership and dedication to the students who are members of the chapter,” Schwarz continued.

The award includes a cash prize of $500 for the chapter. In addition, winners will be featured in the American Political Science Association’s magazine, Political Science Today.

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