Christof Stache/AFP via .
European TV giant ProSiebenSat.1 has restructured its Seven.One Entertainment Group — with the changes seeing top German channel manager Daniel Rosemann exiting after 15 years.
The new structure sees ProSiebenSat.1 CEO Bert’s Habets add the same role at Seven.One Entertainment to his duties, and comes as the Unterföhring-based continues its reorganization as a digital-first operation. Several key staff have exited and about 10% of the entire ProSiebenSat.1 workforce have been cut as part of the process.
The new changes see Seven.One Chief Content Officer Henrik Pabst take on an expanded role overseeing content for all channels and platforms and Katharina Frömsdorf upped to lead streamer Joyn as Chief Platforms and Growth Officer.
Rosemann, who was Channel Manager of ProSieben and SAT.1 will leave, with Hannes Hiller and Marc Rasmus taking over the respective networks.
Habets, Pabst and Seven.One Entertainment CFO Stefan Endriß will now form a three-person management team. The company said the consolidation “optimizes the cross-media playout of content across all channels and platforms of the company, and promotes the collaboration of all brands.”