STREET FAIR TO RETURN — Wednesdays in Wintersville will return this week with a carnival theme and a variety of entertainment as well as assorted food and other vendors in the parking lot of the Wintersville Village Building and at Wintersville United Methodist Church’s Center for Hope. — Warren Scott
WINTERSVILLE — Wednesdays in Wintersville will return this week with a carnival theme and a variety of entertainment at the Village Building parking lot and Wintersville United Methodist Church’s Center for Hope.
Those attending will be invited to nominate someone they feel has made a positive difference in the community to be recognized at the Sept. 6 Wednesday in Wintersville.
Joel John, who with Mary Decker co-chairs the Wednesdays in Wintersville committee, said nomination forms for the honor will be found at the group’s information area at Grove and Main streets or the Wednesdays in Wintersville Facebook page.
Until then, attendees can enjoy performances by Pittsburgh jazz band the Jimmy Z Trio at 4:30 p.m., followed by the Two Friends Trio, an acoustic group that performs songs spanning several generations, at 6 p.m.
Both groups will appear outside the Village Building on Grove Street.
Meanwhile, inside Wintersville United Methodist Church’s Center of Hope at 702 Main St., members of Lisa’s Elite Dance Studio will perform at 4:30 p.m., followed at 5:30 p.m. by a Showcase of Talent in which area residents will be invited to share their flair for singing, with music provided by a disc jockey.
The showcase will be followed by a performance from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. by the Tri-State Community Band, which is itself an outlet for many local citizens with skill in performing assorted musical instruments.
John said in keeping with the carnival theme, attendees are invited to visit fortune teller Bartimaeus the Magnificent. Actually John’s Australian shepherd-toy poodle mix, Bartimaeus will deliver predictions like no other prognosticator.
Those who patronize Bart’s booth will be invited to make a donation to a charity of their choice.
John noted everyone is invited to stop at the information area and make a donation of a pet supply or money for the Wintersville Police Department’s new K-9 unit.
The move is a way for members of the Wednesdays in Wintersville committee to express their thanks to local police who have conducted traffic around pedestrians crossing Main Street to reach the festivities on Grove Street.
John said off-duty members of the police department and village officials have regularly attended the event, and the committee is thankful for their support and assistance.
He also expressed thanks to Steel Valley Regional Transit Authority for providing free shuttles to and from the top of Grove Street, Jefferson County Christian School, Wintersville United Methodist Church, the Wintersville Kroger and Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.
The parking lot of the Catholic church continues to be the site of the Farmers Gateway Market held by the Jefferson Soil and Water District from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday through September.
The market offers a variety of locally produced fruit, vegetables, honey, jams, baked goods and other items.