After the year of revenge travel (and flight costs rising with a similar vengeance), tourism might be settling into relative homeostasis in 2024. Then again, everything has changed, including the terrain of where you’ll want to go next, and maybe even the order of your bucket list.
Astrologically, 2024 promises to be a stimulating year for travel. We begin the year with Jupiter newly direct in Taurus, which makes the first half of the year (through the end of May) peak season for ecotourism, national parks, vineyard tours, time in burgeoning foodie capitals, music festivals, plant medicine journeys, and agricultural adventures. Late April and May are especially gorgeous months for travel. The food we eat, nature we touch, and art we appreciate around this time could be revolutionary in scope.
On May 25th, Jupiter enters Gemini and initiates a year of curiosity and learning. We might feel compelled to visit locations that scratch a certain intellectual itch, travel for conferences or conventions, or diversify our itineraries to the point where we can barely catch our breath between train stations. As long as our minds are stimulated (and our need for variety satiated), all will be well.
As for where to find all of this? The answer will vary by your sign. So, we’ve looked to our list of the best places to travel in 2024 and matched each zodiac sign with the trip that will check all the right boxes—plus, we read the stars for when is the best time, astrologically speaking, for you to make that journey.
Luke Mackenzie/.
Aries: The Kimberley, Australia
Not one to go with the hordes, you’re more excited by destinations that haven’t already been touched by a stampede of tourist foot traffic. You might jump, then, at the chance to visit Australia’s northwestern coast, known as ‘one of the world’s last wild frontiers.’ Starting in April, The Kimberley, Australia’s rugged coastlines and waterways will be welcoming cruise lines for the first time. Hop on board—then off—to explore ancient Aboriginal rock-art sites and towering cliffs, or join new multi-day itineraries from Aboriginal Culture Expedition.